Monday, January 30, 2012

moving monday

hope your january was good! 
mine was*!! 

there is a little bit of danny tanner in me... 
and by a little.. i mean... a lot

*its really nice right now since i am up north in a cabin with some of my favorite people ever
one of them being kalest. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

1.5 years late

better late than never, right?

yeah. it was a great day with my cousin, this day in mid 2010
with a fresh haircut and summer air

i have pretty family 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

do it now

what are you waiting for? go get the new Ingrid Michaelson album!! 
what does that have to do with these photos? 
absolutely nothing, but i make the rules around here!

i spent my evening listening to a live stream of her 'pop-up tour' from philadelphia and it was flawless and incredible and exactly what i needed this week month. 
and got me pumped for the album release 
which was today. 
is today. 

seeing her in 2010 with maddie was literally one of the best things that year! it was the start to the "BEST WEEK EVER"

her autobiographical songs are incredibly relatable, always. and the music behind the words is just as amazing and either makes you cry or dance. sometimes both at the same time 

all this pretty much means is more songs for maddie and i to put on each others mixes, and lots of pages upon pages filled with lyrics in my books. 

because madlydash said it perfectly: "i need ingrid in my life"

so go get the cd. go buy a ticket to see her live. she will make you laugh and she will probably make you forget any other concert you have seen so far. because she is that good. THAT good. 
"no ones gonna wait for you, do it now. so do it right now. do you wanna beat your own heart, or leave it behind"

Monday, January 23, 2012

things that are good today

1. thats a dik dik. i know. it doesn't sound real. {they are} i must see one with my own eyes and fall in loooooooooove with them. 2. worlds most PERFECT house. 3. i love those watches. 4. i thought this girl was incredibly beautiful. 5. i love finding art on flickr. 6. most heartbreaking scene from the notebook. 7. a photograph i wish i had taken. 8. imagine that fort! imagine! it would be amazing. 

{if there is no link, i don't know the original sources. but would be more than happy to add them!}

FYI this is the best interview/write up about taylor to date.
it really is pretty exact and wonderful.

and this song.
because i feel like i should. since you know, we're now friends and all.

moving monday

yeah. this is by far my favorite one, ever. 
source: unknown

Saturday, January 21, 2012

favorite color

photos from last summer. from my grandfathers camera. 
besides the last one, which is from my diana mini. 

other favorites: 
a favorite band following me on twitter this week {can you say daylight?!}
trips planned for end of jan/feb
a new single released from paper route, a band who i found in October 2009 on a less than perfect day
target dollar section
my fire place {yeah i have a fire place now, i may share that soon}
snow. finally snow. 


Thursday, January 19, 2012


It's hard for me to stop doing something i adore, i.e. blogging. anything else online that i find absolutely addicting. {also add things i dont adore to that list to.. im not good at giving up}

I'm reminded of how much I love my friends. all of them. every last drop of them. and especially when they pose on their own initiative in a mirror with me {eh em alexa rae}

I feel self-conscious when i walk in to every drug store and 7-11 near my house asking if they have the new Vogue. because Taylor is on it and she looks flawless. 
"yeah, i know about the Meryl Streep one...yes she is a wonderful actress... no i dont remember seeing that movie she was in set in Africa" is what i had to say at one store.. 

I am mildly dishonest when i say 'i'm fine' everyone knows that means youre not. why do we bother with those two words? they should be curse words. 

I can't imagine a world without shuffle. and stamps. and skype. the letter S.  

I'm surprised that I still am anxious when i start a new journal, or right before i post a new post

I get a little too easily wrapped up in making sure things are perfect. things dont have to be perfect. at least not all the time..  

I indulge in guilty pleasures like right now, blogging. becasue i was supposed to be on a break. 

I wish all things in life were as wonderful as a perfect slurpee or a new song from a favorite artist that lives up to every expectation that you may have had! 

this was fun, thanks to sam for posting hers :) 
you should do your own! i would like to see it! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

*peeking out*

because i need to reward maddie for coming out of her anti-blogging spell

because i just purchased my returning flight home from atlanta. i needed to share my favorite picture i have taken of maddie.

because in a month i will be seeing her again:

friends. diet coke. ugly sweaters {too soon?} mixes. 4 am conversations. lots of iPhone photos. tweets. laughs. squeals {from me}. sharpies. inside jokes. froyo. 

i can't wait. i can not wait. 2012 is really lovely so far! <3
i mean really. that face.
i wish i remember what she was doing on my laptop that made her smile like that.
she probably remembers..
i hate distance. i hate it so much and for 2 weeks i get to act like it doesn't exist. and that will be perfect. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


i just want to take a little break from blogging and in stead of keeping the blog private - i thought i would explain:

for someone who does everything whole heartedly or not at all
it shouldnt have surprised me that this place has become a little bit of an obsession for me

there is a lyric in one of my favorite songs, that was always the one part of the song i didnt agree with: 
"when we would take trips, we swore we'd never take pictures. Pictures only prove you can't convince."

its a catch 22. i like making things. and i like sharing them with people. 
i will still share, just on a less personal level. 

i love this place. so much. but i want to start writing for myself again. since this last spout of blogging i have significantly slowed down in my writing and that is not okay with me. i am an open book, always. but sometimes i need to remember to either turn the page or start the next chapter. or even sometimes who i should lend the book out to. 

15 journals in 7 years
so this is the next chapter. i dont know whats involved in this chapter - but i know i will take more time to figure it out. i will write for myself and i will take photos for myself. i will keep growing and learning new things and pushing my limitations. and i will probably keep spending all my money on etsy and photography gear. but at least i will be figuring something out. at least i will be enjoying myself. and at the very least i will still have the worlds best friends and i will be happy. 

i think i made my point, i love my friends. and i love my family and i am happy. forever happy. i dont want or need what anyone else has to be just that. 

so thanks for reading, thanks for the comments. and thanks for understanding. keep checking my facebook page for updates and news - and i will see you soon! 

*i am referring to my personal photographs, not my professional side of this blog

Monday, January 09, 2012

moving monday:

i literally spent minutes and minutes staring at this. 

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

shooby do

well. maddie. it is 9:46pm on some typical tuesday night....

this has spent a year {roughly} just sitting on my computer waiting to be made in to something. anything. so this is what i did. i didn't spend too much time on it {shockingly..} the most time was spent waiting for vimeo to upload it.

but regardless. maddie, this is for you. this is only for you. any one else who watches this is just a bystander and probably will never visit here ever again.

now, i go and wrap up my second half of the best summer ever.

Monday, January 02, 2012

the goodbye girl

i watched two movies on saturday over my cousins house
i thought i would talk about my favorite of the two 
{both were great, just one was less.. heartbreaking}

if i were to be totally honest, {when am i not?} i would say that i was a little reluctant to watch it. old movies always have a bit of a stigma to me {...boring} and each time one is suggested, i try to choose the newest one. and yet every time i watch one {i.e. an affair to remember, philidelphia story - really anything with jimmy stewart} i am left impressed and entertained.

i think its time to realize, i love old movies. i just don't know as much about them as some people would {eh em.. madeleline - the girl who said "assume i have seen everything by neil simon!" when i texted her "tell me you have seen the goodbye girl"} - but one thing is for sure. movies today are not the same in comparison  

anyways. the goodbye girl. with marsha mason and richard dreyfuss 
{who won best actor for this role, the internet is a wonderful place} 

its just perfect. their relationship is incredibly entertaining and charming and fast paced {really fast paced conversation, which i ADORE} the 10 year old daughter in the movie is hilarious and quirky.

but my favorite lines in the movie {they may or may not be all elliots}:
- What is it about you that makes a man with a hundred forty-seven I.Q. feel like a dribbling idiot?
- If you were a Broadway musical, people would be humming your face. 
- It was the Super Bowl of romance. 
- Haven't we met? In our apartment? 
You know, of all the right up front girls I know, you are the right up frontest.

and my favorite mother daughter scene:
Paula McFadden: [angrily] Good night.
Lucy McFadden: What, no kiss?
Paula McFadden: [punching her pillow] I'm angry. I don't want to lose it. 

so anyways, what are you waiting for?! go rent it! 

moving monday:

if we are our assigned 'friends characters' then i {ross} am opening the door for maddie {chandler} and kale {joey}
and if that is the case, it is the most realistic gif i have found - yet!

Sunday, January 01, 2012


i spent the night with my cousin jody, we watched movies and talked and laughed at the music that the network decided was worthy enough to be listened to. we ate a boat load of chicago styled popcorn {never had it? it is a dream. literally}. we slept in and went to meeting and lunch at leos and talked some more. we shared stories {okay.. i may or may not have forced some on her} and she gave me a dove wrapper:

"keep the promises you make yourself" 

the promise that i made to myself today is - i won't let it be so long before we do this again.

josie, i love you. with every ounce of my heart. thanks for this weekend. thanks for being my cousin. thanks for keeping notes i wrote you in your bible. thanks for sharing your delicious popcorn. thanks for letting me creep around your room with my camera. thanks for simply being the best. until next time...

{see, im implying there will be a next time with that statement drop off. i like implying things, right?}

2011 in a nutshell

news flash! 2011 is over with! 
last year i made a set for each month of photos 
this year is no different. 

this is 2011. 
in an overwhelming amount of iPhone photos. 

{i notice each year, i take more and more photos..}

i was sick. i started something i didn't finish. and cheese puffs.

RULA AND JONATHAN got engaged!!!
nothing else matters!
besides maybe, that time i hugged a sign because its my last name.. spelt wrong.
the month of rebecca black jokes. constantly.
rpatz new home. falling in love.
frozen yogurt.
oh! and newest camera!! <3
aka the best thing in my life
may was probably the most interesting of them all.
starting with slurpees and ice-cream.
ending with madeleine leaving.
but things worked out.
i went to the virgin islands a few months later. 
two of the greatest concerts i have ever been to.
maddie. shower planning. surprise visits to kale. baby cousin born!!! 
one of the best months ever! 
things said too loudly at a restaurant. half hearts. 
atlanta visit! football. 
highlight of my year. this month. no words necessary. 
virgin islands. bowling. assembly. new taylor song. 
every year manages to get better and better, i don't know how. but it does. i hope it continues like this. because I am a fan of it. i like the way there is a recurring theme in my life, and i like that it ended this year. i love my friends. i love the daylights out of my family. i am happy all around, and i am incredibly thankful for the people who were a part of this. good or not so good.