Tuesday, February 26, 2013

winter blues: pt. 2

i promised, and so here we are.
here is my "even though you hate winter it can be pretty if you look close enough" film.
{it made my day last week when i woke up and heard birds outside my window though...}

roxy is such a princess sometimes

and if that didnt convince you to admit that winter isnt all that bad, just remember - winter time is a good time for a cozy fire.
or just a couch with lots of blankets and second season of Parks and Rec.

either or, really.
march 21st cant get here soon enough
everyone, bundle up for the storm tonight..
that will realistically end up being two inches of mushy snow. 


  1. Oooohhh I really love that birch bark one.

    I am bundling, and pretty much planning on tomorrow being a snow day. I'm mixing up my pancake mix already!

    1. I wish I had joined you! made the treacherous drive to work today (im being dramatic!!) and thank you! That birch one is my favorite as well <3
