Thursday, April 23, 2009

happy earth day

apparently my parents arent as eco friendly as TLC would like them to be
today we said good bye to our 40 year old tree
i was trying to take pictures on my camera, i was in a rush
only it wasnt working...
to later realize i didnt have my memory card in place
go figure


  1. That must have been so cool to watch
    ♥♥♥♥ashley thanks soooo much for the gift your r the best i love you very very much!!!♥♥♥♥

  2. I was going to say "Goodbye Old Tree" but realized that I'm not far behind that dear tree in years! So- goodbye wise tree!!!!

  3. That tree gave its life so some grass could grow. I'm just sad I never got a chance to say goodbye. Hopefully the tree knew how I felt.

  4. oh no! that's so sad that you had to get rid of your beautiful tree! :(

    i'm glad you got your camera up and running again!

    and thank you for your comment on my blog today! :)
