Wednesday, August 29, 2012

alexa rae: detroit

are you ready for sensory over load? 
i would advise you to take my word when i say that this girl is beautiful. 
but fortunate for you, you can see that for yourself. 

thanks lex for being my muse, thanks for loving taylor swift just as much as i do, and thanks for debating with me who her newest song is about 
{i am still hoping it is about john.. she however feels it is about jake.. she is probably, very likely, right}

all photos were taken on my grandpas Nikon FM2 - and none were edited besides the occasional black and white ones.. i am a sucker for black and white. 

thanks detroit for not always being the worst and occasionally making me thankful to live here. 
and thanks lex for having my favorite face. 

lets go back now, okay?
lets re listen to love story as many times as we can, among the tailgating people! 

fyi: the newest taylor song? iTunes alone counts it at its 177th time playing it, but thats not counting my phone and iPod or youtube... im not obsessed. but her cd comes out in t-54 days
who is coming with me to NYC that week!?! 

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

good things.

i wanted to make a list of all the things good right now, and i realized how many there really were. i will share some with you {disclaimer, none of these will be surprising}: 

4. this: {this is NOT the same video, for the 4th time...}
5. Joshua Radins' new album. how a single voice could make everything so much better, is beyond my comprehension. but his is the voice that does that. and his lyrics, boy oh boy. 
6. camping!!
    6b. smores, sand, campfires, tents, sandy tents, which are all things that come with said camping
7. making time for sister
8. facetime/skype with my favorite of all favorite faces - madeleine, kalest, toots
9. this site! its pretty cool!
10. taking 2 rolls of film with alexa rae on sunday. bbq lunch, dresses and ice cream
11. netflix. unlimited viewing of so many different shows, currently obsessed with felecity. {i can relate to the whole "crazy girl" thing... #understatementoftheyear}
12. having two weddings in one weekend, and a family shoot! 
13. counting down to a maddie visit!! {taco bell fasting}
14. finding a working record player at an estate sale the same week you have a melt down over one from grandmas basement that doesnt work
   14b. listening to favorite records on said record player. yes. 
15. sleep over plans with my favorite girl 
16. this weather. i can not get enough of the weather lately. makes me all kinds of excited for autumn
17. hashtags
18. 5:00
19. packing
20. lavender spray for linens - its wonderful. 

Thursday, August 02, 2012

georgia may

im so far behind in blogging. i have finally gotten my summer to do list finished and set, now its time to move on to the social side of it all. which is this. so bare with me as i decide which photos to share and which to best leave in iPhoto to chill and reminisce together. photos can do that, right? share stories with each other and compare inside jokes? thought so. 

anyways. this is our trip to georgia. I suppose its only the favorite photos of the three of us. per usual, these are all from iPhone. 

maddie and kale are awesome. i can and have gone on and on {and on and on} about how and why i love them.

a kinda/sorta mixtape for this trip: 
kales choice:
maddies choice:
my choice: 

the avengers. duh. 
to make our moms worry  

we need to plan our next trip together! like, yesterday.