Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rogers City [film three]

michigan is full of wonderful things
and if anyone tells you other wise, they are either lying or insane

here is the first roll {of 7} of film that i have had developed - they will be done one at a time {more fun this way i think, not to mention more affordable} and i will post them as i get them. this was right as we got to the bakers. 

a house filled with vintage cameras and delicious food. 
{and tasty drinks made by jennie}

and of course, adorable children. 

heck. i will supply a song for each roll of film. 
today, i want this song. in the worst way. 

the amount of happiness i feel for this photo is indescribable. guin, you are so so so kale. 

so wait around a few days, i will have more to post! 
and more songs. 

cause music, like film, is good for the heart. 

Rogers City film two
Rogers City film three


  1. thank you ethan for the comment! and for being there! and for being awesome!
