Monday, January 23, 2012

things that are good today

1. thats a dik dik. i know. it doesn't sound real. {they are} i must see one with my own eyes and fall in loooooooooove with them. 2. worlds most PERFECT house. 3. i love those watches. 4. i thought this girl was incredibly beautiful. 5. i love finding art on flickr. 6. most heartbreaking scene from the notebook. 7. a photograph i wish i had taken. 8. imagine that fort! imagine! it would be amazing. 

{if there is no link, i don't know the original sources. but would be more than happy to add them!}

FYI this is the best interview/write up about taylor to date.
it really is pretty exact and wonderful.

and this song.
because i feel like i should. since you know, we're now friends and all.

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