Sunday, October 30, 2011

769 miles on I75 straight on till morning

know the feeling of being home for a week and it finally hitting you, how you wish you were back where you came from? back on 'vacation' but really just back {anywhere} with the best friend? 

well this conversation created that feeling: 
{i shall let you know, it is a common practice to hashtag in text messages... because thats normal.. to text in tweets..just go with it..}

"i don't want tomorrow to be monday" -m

"me either, trade ya? monday for monday? fair as square" -a

"okay! ill come up and you can take a placement test for me! :)" -m

"perfect! win win! then you'll have real easy classes" -a

"i like this idea" -m

"i don't. that means you're here and I'm there #stillbestfriendless" -a

"I'm always your best friend! even when you marry MGG and he makes you live in antarctica for a year so he model with polar bears!" -m
"yes i understand that was ridiculous. polar bears don't live in antarctica" -m

"i like you speak" -a

"but imagine MGG with a baby polar bear. it'd be too cute for words" -m

"i am literally speechless" -a

"see! too cute for words. they'd have on matching scarves, he'd illustrate a story for it. yada, yada, yada" -m

yes. this is pretty much the reason why i miss her so.
{i will have you know... google says there are no pictures of MGG holding a baby polar bear.. anywhere... shame}

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