Sunday, October 23, 2011

30,000 feet is cool

As a person who used to be a flight attendant I will just say how much I LOVE to fly. Literally everything about it. Starting with packing all the way to unpacking. I love people watching. I love expensive airport food {really?! 5 dollars for a smoothie?! Don't get me started about the $4 gummy bears that were rock hard..}. Okay, so besides the expensiveness of travel. I love everything.

But right now, what I love more than anything.. Even more than the fact that my seat neighbor is quiet as a mouse - is that I can blog at 30,000 feet {not miles...}. I can tweet, and text fellow iPhone people.. {dad, amber, maddie and Ethan} and I can.

I love that my neglected journal is givin me dirty looks {jealous much?!} and I only have 40% battery left.. But I wanted to say hey.

From one of my favorite places to be. And here is a picture - what I don't love about this flight:
1. Location won't work on only wifi :( I miss knowing what were flying over at any given moment
2. That delta lady makes me laugh. She is by far the happiest flight attendant I ever did see
3. Football. I can watch the game. If I wanted to. Which I might have wanted to do......... not.

a lot goes on - but nothing happens 

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