Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some Random Photos

Railroad crossing sign, in Holland, MI - dramatic is where I was going with the editing

I loved this tunnel. 

My obsession with trees isn't going anywhere

Colton & Alexa

I loved his expression in this one

If your a bird, I'm a bird

Local Fair. All dressed up for a wedding. Perfect recipe for a photograph

I told Jody to paint, she listens

Isabella, the Dominican puppy I almost brought home with me. For being homeless, she sure had a friendly little attitude. She appreciated all the attention she got

Boyne Mt. MI - Actually broke my camera on this trip... I thought I wouldn't need a camera bag. Life lesson learned.

A March afternoon spent well with an umbrella


Central Park 
Just so happens to be my favorite place in the whole city

Ft Myers Beach, again

This father was teaching his daughter everything he knew this afternoon

I stole a shot of their photo shoot, this one again is in Central Park
   "Ask yourself, 'Why am I seeing and feeling this? How am I growing? What am I learning?' Remember: Every coincidence is potentially meaningful. How high your awareness level is, determines how much meaning you get from your world. Photography can teach you to improve your awareness level"  
-Ansel Adams-   

Monday, March 30, 2009

this is me:

I have always been interested in photography. My sister Amber and I grew up with cameras constantly in our faces. In fact all of my cousins and childhood friends included. My grandfather, a photographer for the Detroit News, took some of the most memorable pictures. And my Grandmother, took pictures every chance she got. So to say the least my life was very well documented. I will post some of my favorites some day. Some day soon. My promise.

Ive always appreciated the stories that come with a single photograph. And I wondered if I could tell my own story through pictures. So it all started with my first little digital Nikon camera. Leading me to getting a bigger (much bigger) version of it. My first Digital SLR. Nikon D80. And since then, I have had so much fun capturing lifes moments, before they pass by. It helps that I have BEAUTIFUL friends that make it easy to get good photos. So I just want to thank every one of them. For always being so willing to smile, or not smile, for my cameras sake. You make me happy. You make it possible. 

I am new to this whole "blogging" phenomenon. So bear with me as I figure this out. I decided to get one to put my photos out there on the thing we call the web. I'm bound and determined to get it to the way I intend. But until then...